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SEK0.00 2 tim

Readiness for internationalization

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Readiness for internationalization

Internationalization is of key importance for many companies. This program will help you to assess how well prepared your company is to establish and to grow business in new markets, by:

1: Giving you a framework for how to structure an internationalization program in an agile way
2: Guiding you through 21 questions to assess your readiness from a solution, strategic and management point of view.

Your assessment will be stored for later updates.
The first time you go through the program for one country you might need approximately 2 hours. But, the program can be used for as many countries and alternative strategies as you like, and you can update and improve the ones that you have started. Also, sometimes you might prefer to do the assessment yourself and sometimes you might prefer to work together with your management team, experts and board. I.e. you might use the program and the tool much more than 2 hours.

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Course structure

Internationalization is of key importance for many companies, and important markets are often large and far away. The introduction set the framework for the other sections in this program and discuss the importance to do homework before targeting large and important markets.

Road to success
Gives a framework for how to structure an internationalization program in an agile way. It bring forward the importance of

A: having a goal, since different goals will influence what is suitable and possible during a project
B: focusing on acceleration and growth from a strategic standpoint, i.e. to lock beyond establishment
C: validating today’s hypothesis regarding strategy and business model, out in the field in dialogue with customers and other key stakeholders
D: in the early phases not only collecting information from seminars, market reports and visits to e.g. exhibitions (“outside-in”) but also to assess own readiness for a powerful and successful internationalization to great markets (“inside-out”).

ASSESSMENT – by country
Presents a tool with 21 questions, helping you to judge your readiness for internationalization to a specific market. There are 4 types of questions: Product/Solution readiness, Strategic readiness, Management/Board readiness and one extra question called Other readiness. The tool can be used for as many countries as you want, managed and documented one by one. And each country can as well have different versions depending on e.g. different ideas regarding positioning and business models. I.e. no limitation to creativity and innovation. Also, each question has suggestions for how to assess the level of readiness. I.e. the tool will help you to structure your discussions before final interpretation, judgement and decision. Your notes and your decisions, for each initiative, can be documented and stored.

Here you will find contact information if you would like to have support at e.g. a works shop or support from a business partner during a longer period.

Course structure

Gives a framework for how to structure an internationalization program in an agile way. It bring forward the importance of
a: having a goal, since different goals will influence what is suitable and possible
b: focusing on acceleration and growth from a strategic standpoint, i.e. to lock beyond establishment
c: validating today’s hypothesis regarding strategy and business model, in the field in dialogue with customers and all key stakeholders
d: in the early phases not only collecting information from seminars, market reports and visits (outside-in) but also to assess own readiness for a powerful and successful internationalization to great markets (inside-out).

  • Slide 1
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  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8


Lennart Almstedt lennart@almstedt.nu
